Bio Diesel Production

OHBD is designing an onsite processing system for its facility in regional NSW.

It is without a doubt that Cannabis products are being considered in the positive light they should be perceived in, more and more people are changing their opinions about the impact that cannabis can have on the health of people and what potential the plant has.

OHBD is looking to extract the elements from the unique strain it has developed on site – this means we can separate the raw materials and be a major supplier to a number of companies for Hemp products across the nation. We are also working with a couple of global companies to have on site refinery capabilities. This means we can grow harvest and produce Bio Diesel on site in large quantities.

OHBD is working with a number of global compaines to produce the most cost effective onsite, in-house hemp oil producing laboratories and mobile Bio Diesel refineries.

Our Research Tells Us


2500 litres of oil can be produced from hemp per hectare per annum


Relevant customers will pay a fair price per litre of bio diesel


The growing process stores carbon in the root system of the hemp plant for 30 years, thus creating carbon credits and carbon futures


This eventually will be the largest bio diesel company in the world


Products such as AV gas and raw materials for other industry’s such as cosmetics, clothing and construction are produced from the left overs of the bio diesel process

Apart from the obvious by products the cultivation and process of Hemp creates


Jobs – approximately 50 people will be employed to run the first site once established


Scholarships & Training – Oceania Hemp Bio Diesel will arrange apprenticeships for young people who will be able to take on jobs in the Farm


Community Engagement - Oceania Hemp Bio Diesel will promote and encourage young people to take up jobs and health opportunities.


Affordable housing will be provided for farm workers